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Mandala Springs Wellness Retreat, California, USA

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Longevity and Deep Detox Retreat

27th May -3rd June 2019


With The Whole Truth Retreat's holistic detox programme as the powerfully transformative foundation of this retreat, we bring our focus to longevity - what this truly means, and how, with simple practices you can access your right to abundant energy, clarity of mind, healthy social relations, emotional stability, stress resilience and purpose of being- now, and through every stage of life. 

Combining timeless teachings and age old truths with new and highly relevant tools toward realising this in our current times, this is a life-changing retreat that lays the foundations for a new way of being. By supporting your ultimate potential today you safeguard yourself against debilitating 'disease' and create a vibrant future. 


Longevity secrets include:

  • Gut health and immunity - the importance and maintenance of a healthy microbiome

  • Benefits of fasting - incorporating this into your lifestyle with intermittent fasting

  • Awareness of modern day toxins and their effects - tips to avoid and protect against them 

  • Diet and exercise - simple effective strategies that work

  • Hormetic stressors - the "good" type of stress and building resilience

  • Community, gratitude, and purpose - knowing your place in the world.


Alongside this cutting edge information we put theory into practice, with experiential sessions to connect you to the power and abundance of the present moment and your innate wisdom, balance and joy. Daily yoga and meditation, intuitive art, free dance, journey work deepen and expand your awareness and awaken limitless potential.

During your retreat you will have the opportunity to:

  • Uncover your body’s vibrant state of being through a programme of physical cleansing and natural nutrition

  • Enliven your everyday experience with simple tools to support optimum nourishment, breathing, movement and healing, forming a strong foundation for holistic wellbeing and longevity

  • Honour creative expression, inherent and vital to our human experience

  • Make contact with your natural confidence, wisdom and compassion through meditative practice and true presence

  • Experience the transformative power of ceremony, intention and gratitude

  • Realign with the deep intelligence of your own life force, the natural world, and universal consciousness

The six day juice cleanse offered is a radical physical reset. Three delicious cold pressed juices are served at intervals throughout the day, and in the evening, a nourishing potassium broth. Potent detoxifying supplemental support includes:

  • High dose heavy metal and chemical binder to safely eliminate toxins mobilised from tissue

  • Herbal liver and kidney tincture to support the major organs of elimination

  • Key vitamins and minerals to upregulate the body’s natural detox mechanisms

  • Benefits of the detox programme

Fasting activates the body’s natural intelligence and inbuilt healing systems. With digestive processes on pause, the normal systems for nourishment and maintenance of the body are bypassed, and alternate systems focusing on elimination, restoration and regeneration are activated. The body goes into a state of "autophagy" in fasting - this means  that it literally "eats" or breaks down dead, diseased or compromised or cancerous cells and tissue.

Stem cells are activated, and upon refeeding post fast with natural, organic foods (recipes provided) the body rebuilds anew, achieving improved organ function and efficiency, and unlocking your natural radiance and health. Fasting is one of the quickest ways to "reset" your habits, cravings, and motivation with health. You will no longer feel like eating "junk foods", craving what is good for you. You are naturally empowered to make the right choices. Fasting has been used throughout history for clarity, purpose and prayer, supporting, and uplifting our connection to spirit.

Benefits of colon cleanse programme:

  • This is an opportunity to eliminate the buildup of "mucoid plaque". Mucoid plaque forms in our intestines from undigested protein which the body cannot eliminate, bound in mucous and ‘stuck’ to the sides of the colon or intestinal wall. 

  • It also gets lodged in misshapen pockets in the gut wall, a common cause of diverticulitis (and later on colon cancer). It forms lengths of  hardened, impacted "rubber-like" material and becomes a breeding ground for harmful bacteria, leaching toxins into the bloodstream.

  • The reasons for insufficient digestion include overeating common hard to digest proteins such as wheat and animal protein, as well as stress or an unstable emotional state. Eliminating this mucoid plaque frees you on many levels, as there is usually a corresponding emotional release or a shift in perspective or limiting beliefs.

Included in the cost of this retreat:

  • nights accommodation at Mandala Springs

  • 2 days of exquisite organic raw food meals

  • 6 day cleansing juice fast with powerful detoxifying supplements

  • Colonic Cleanse programme

  • 1-hour private nutritional consultation

  • Daily longevity workshops

  • Herbal therapeutic treatments and herbal teas

  • Daily Yoga sessions- suitable for all levels of experience

  • Meditation & breathwork instruction and daily group practice

  • Group Process (intuitive art, free dance, conscious breathing)

  • Vision Quest


Sample Schedule :

07:00 Rise and Cleansing Drink
07:30 Yoga
09:30 Juice and supplements
10:00 - 12:00 Longevity talk
12:30 Juice and supplements
13:00 - 15:00 Therapies/ Free Time
15:30 Juice and supplements
16:00 - 18:00 Workshop Session 
18:30 Broth
19:00 Meditation
19:30 Talking circle
21:00 Retire



  • Alternative health therapies: choose from massage/ bodywork/ reflexology/ bio-energy balance/ reiki/ organic facial/ therapeutic yoga


The Whole Truth Retreat specialises in spiritual retreats to support and guide you through times of transformation, healing and awakening. Our unique programme of physical cleansing, herbal treatments, meditation & yoga, creative process, nature immersion, and the exploration of expanded states of consciousness forms a strong container in which awareness can grow


To reserve your place on this retreat, please email Tasha at



Mandala Springs is a 112 acre wellness retreat center in the Mayacama Mountains north of the Bay Area— a place where nature and spirit meet and create a natural healing environment for all.

This exquisite retreat center brings you nature at it's best
*Lake for swimming and kayaking
*Multiple nature trails
*Meditation groves
*Star gazing platforms
*Biking and hiking
*Explore the streams and pond
*Wildlife sightings
*Ancient forests


The six day juice cleanse is excellent for detox, radical physical reset and treating chronic illness and inflammation. This includes three delicious cold-pressed juices at intervals throughout the day, as well as herbal, food, and vitamin supplements tailored to your nutritional or health and healing needs. Potassium broth is served in the evening, a warming and replenishing addition to the cleanse. 


The first and last days of the retreat offer a raw food menu. The transition out of a juice cleanse can be challenging, and its an important part of the process to move through gently and with awareness. Raw food is high in life force and rich in enzymes for better digestion and absorption. Using large amounts of organic fresh fruits and vegetables, and activated seeds, nuts, and grains we craft beautiful meals to nourish body and senses. 

The Whole Truth Retreat also offers special creations such as pro-biotic nut cheeses and whole seed crackers dehydrated at a low heat to keep digestive enzymes intact. Healthy desserts are made with natural unrefined sweeteners such as dates and raw honey, which have wonderful health benefits. Recipes are provided to inspire and support your new relationship with food.


If you are unable to participate in this retreat due to existing commitments, you may be interested in these other offerings. Private retreats with Tasha are available for a limited period during US Summer 2019. Create a retreat around your priorities for personal healing and growth, and choose the dates, duration and menu plan that work for you.


A private retreat space is ideal for deep individually focused transformational work- with all of the same modalities offered on this retreat available: yoga, meditation, free dance, intuitive art, nature immersion, conscious breathing, plant medicine, juice cleanse or healthy plant based meals as well as optional massage or other alternative therapies. Suitable for individuals, couples and small groups of friends!


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