The Whole Truth Retreat surpassed my expectations. Simply one of the best, finest retreats I’ve ever attended. The care and planning down to the finest detail was evident in everything. I enjoyed the diversity of the programme- the holistic quality of integrating different systems and modalities in a seamless way really worked for me. This was the most wonderful, beautiful and rewarding experience. Exceptional!
Cape Town, South Africa
I came with mostly a physical cleansing in mind, but as time went on the mental and spiritual aspects came to the fore.In the space of 9 days, a lot of things have started to shift within- old tightly held beliefs I am starting to let go of. New ones move into their place. Different possibilities for the future have emerged and some old prejudices discarded.It was a beautiful experience being part of such a united and supportive group of people and I both was able to receive and give love. A memorable experience.
Cape Town, South Africa
There are no words adequate to describe my deepest gratitude to you for providing such a safe, sacred and loving space for what feels like the most transformative experience of my life thus far. With each of the 12 days, the layers were peeled back and I gained new pearls of wisdom and new beautiful and blissful ways of being in the world. On a physical level, I feel radiant and vibrant. From the juices, to the raw food, to the cooked meals, each sip or bite was indescribably delicious and prepared with such love and care. Each one of the treatments and activities brought a delightful and unique healing of its own. I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to experience this exquisitely crafted retreat. It is an experience that I will always hold close to my heart and return to again and again.
Johannesburg, South Africa
Words cannot describe my deep gratitude to you for creating this powerful and transformative experience. This has been more than a retreat for me- like being in the school of life- connecting to self, my heart, my soul, my body, my mind, to nature and beautiful like-minded people. I have taken so much learning and discovery from this journey.
For the first time in my life, this experience allowed me the space and time to connect to myself, immerse myself in nature and true, healthy, holistic lifestyle. I feel light, clean, filled with life, love and deep gratitude.
I came here already clear about my life purpose and this week has confirmed that I am on exactly the right path. For the first time ever I truly feel confident that I have the skills and ability to do what I need to fulfill my purpose. My level of self- care has developed immensely and I will be taking all of this with me.
London, UK
On the physical level, I feel completely cleansed and inexpressibly lighter. I’ve gone away with the firm intention to eat, drink and be merry in an entirely different way- a way which supports my health, my sense of harmony and balance and my spiritual practice.
On an emotional level, there are old holding patterns which the silence has allowed me to look at and flag for further work.
On an energetic level, I feel like I have stumbled across the secret garden, and now have a clear idea of what needs to be pruned, fed, cleared and allowed to flow. On a spiritual level I have been put in touch with countless beautiful ways to deepen my practice.
Cape Town, South Africa
I feel like this experience has enabled me to discard my old patterns and replace them with more balanced and consciously chosen patterns that will transform my life- indeed I feel that I have already begun those patterns. A wonderful example of living/ acting one’s way into new ways of seeing and being instead of trying to think one’s way into them.
I am left with the deep knowledge that I am not the persona I am at work or in society but really am a wild creature of the Earth, engaged in a wonderful cosmic celebration. I am full of gratitude and love and feel tremendously healthy and clear- sighted.
Cape Town