If you would love to participate in one of the Whole Truth Retreat's retreats but have commitments that make it hard for you to get away, or simply prefer being in the comfort of your own home, book a Home Retreat with Tasha for the dates and duration of your choice.
For your ease and convenience, the daily retreat schedule can be created to fit in with your needs. Daily yoga, breathwork and meditation bring tranquility and balance into your home space, and help to build a firm foundation for a regular and enduring spiritual practice. If you are intending to transition to a healthy or plant based diet or implement new lifestyle changes, a Home Retreat offers the personalised support to enable that, with assistance offered with stocking your kitchen, creating sacred space in your home, or setting up your own grown supply of fresh, live food.
If the facilities are conducive, Tasha will work with you at your own residence, or if you are holidaying overseas, at a venue of your choice, with dates available in 2019 in South Africa, the USA, the UK, France and Turkey. Other locations worldwide may also be available, on request. If you are a resident of South Africa, please discount costs by 25%.
Private consultations, guided self-retreats and on-going coaching are also offered via Skype/ Zoom/ WhatsApp. Click here to book a session or here to find out about online retreat offerings.
Please contact Tasha to discuss the options available to you for your Home Retreat, or alternatively, join us on retreat in South Africa until June 2021, or in Bali from May to October 2021.

Serene, non-intrusive, and genuinely practical, compassionate guidance.
You created a very safe and accepting space. You reminded us that we were supported on a journey that we were choosing to take and were responsible for.